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In a shifting world where all art forms are being disrupted by technology platforms and Artificial Intelligence, an artist’s unique perspective and technical talent matters more than it ever has.

Rob Gilbert is a visionary artist that has transformed the photographic world with his iconic portraits of larger-than-life global figures such as Bill Clinton, Justin Trudeau, and Amal Clooney.

His photographic style is noted for world-class lighting, and a truly singular ability to direct talent of all backgrounds.

Rob’s upbringing had a significant influence on his perspective which draws from a deep connection with the earth and a grasp of its dichotomy of adversity and abundance. He brings this spectrum of experience to bear when directing his subjects to draw out and capture the authentic personalities of his clients in world class portraits that are difficult to replicate.

Now based in Vancouver, BC, Rob's journey has taken him from Northern BC to an early career learning from some of the greatest photographers Canada has produced, to becoming one of Canada’s top photographers with a talent that is sought after around the world. Travelling globally to capture his shots, Rob’s client base extends beyond Canada and into New York, LA, London, Berlin, and Dubai among others.

In this evolving world of filters and technology, where one never knows what is real and what is not, Rob’s ability to authentically capture the distinctly human elements of his subjects’ personalities through his directing talent and signature lighting techniques is becoming a truly rare art form. His clients recognize this and continue to work with Rob to achieve superior photographs that capture their spirit, drive and energy in a way that technology never will be able to.